Sunday 9 August 2015

------**** HAPPY BIRTHDAY MUM ****------

Mommy Dear!
Half Century Is Near
But this year,
You're still young..So Cheer!!

You are the Queen-
precious and witty;
there's no one so pretty!

As yet another year passes,
Add One more Jewel to your Crown!
Lift up your head
And Walk Around!

Heart Of The Family,
You are loved by many-
The Serious and The Funny!

O Queen!
You're Forty Nine;
Shine and Dine
This is Ur Time!

Special is This Year
Carry No Fear
N Drop No Tear!

As you Grow a year older
May your charm see no ends;
Wishes so your Husband
And So do Your Friends!

Wish You A Very Happy Birthday!
We Love You